At Sky Senderos, the most common question we get asked is “can you use your thermal drones to help me recover deer?” Thanks to the popularity of companies like Drone Deer Recovery and their social media video content, people are very interested in using this technology to locate animals they are unable to find. Unfortunately, the use of drones for this purpose is currently illegal in the State of Texas.
The official language from Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) states “the use of aircraft (including drones) to pursue or recover wildlife in association with recreational or “sport” hunting activity is not permitted. Texas law does allow a hunter to contract as a sub-agent to participate in the taking of feral hogs and coyotes in accordance with the provisions of the AMP. Under federal law, it is a violation to use an aircraft for any of these activities unless a permit is issued by the respective state. Federal guidelines specify the states may not issue permits for sport hunting. Failure to comply with these rules may constitute a Class A misdemeanor and/or violations of the Federal Airborne Hunting Act.”
Why can individuals in other states do it?
TPWD cites the Federal Airborne Hunting Act as the framework under which its rules were adopted. This may lead one to ask, if it’s a federal law that prohibits this, then why is it legal in other states? Based on conversations Sky Senderos has had with TPWD game wardens and other officials, the answer is that Texas is much more cautious about its aerial wildlife management program than other states.
Texas boasts the largest hunting industry in the country, and the use of aerial methods such as thermal drone and helicopter census counts) to conserve and manage its wildlife populations is vitally important. If the federal government were to take issue with any aspect of Texas’ Aerial Wildlife Management (AWM) permit program, it could ban the use of any aircraft for hunting or wildlife management activities. As a result, the state does not want to authorize any sort of aerial activities that may violate the language of the Federal Airborne Hunting Act. At the moment, recovering wildlife is deemed as one of these activities.
Could this be changed in the future?
Yes, there is a good chance that this law gets amended at either the federal or state level in the next few years. There are countless people in the hunting industry and even within TPWD that understand what a valuable tool thermal drones can be for deer recovery. Sky Senderos is committed to working with TPWD in order to show the positive outcomes for wildlife that can be achieved as a result of allowing the use of drones for deer recovery. Once the law allows for it, thermal drone deer recovery will be another valuable service that Sky Senderos is able to offer to landowners across the State of Texas.
What can I legally use drones for right now?
With the necessary permits, drones are legally allowed to be used for conducting census counts of any animal as well as hunting feral hogs and coyotes. Sky Senderos, LLC. possesses all required FAA and TPWD permits in order to help Texas landowners collect more accurate, actionable data on their wildlife populations. Our thermal drone surveys enable property owners and lease members to inform wildlife management efforts, monitor population trends, meet TPWD MLD program requirements, and save money on their property taxes by qualifying for wildlife exemptions. Click here to request your free quote today and see this technology in action!